Here is my poor door!
Well, when I got to the church where I thought my workshop was, I saw a woman standing by a door. I rolled the passenger window down to ask her if this was the door to go into. Guess what? It wouldn't roll all the way up and it was really, really raining. I used my sun screens to block the rain out while I was in my workshop. More on the window later.
Our workshop was about printing on fabric. Here are a few of the blocks I printed.
These are the ladies who conducted the workshop. They are called Sisterspeak. This is me in the tye-dye(of course) taking a pic while someone is taking a pic of me.
Here's my pic! The background of this quilt was printed with leaves and weeds!
After the workshop I took the plastic that I had been using and covered my window with that. I felt like a true redneck! I left the workshop and checked into our motel and then went to the evening session at the fairgrounds. I met friends, Jeanie, Nora and Adele there. They had driven down that afternoon, stopping at every quilt shop, and flea market along the way.

After the evening events Jeanie rode back to the motel with me. I had to close the door for her so that I could position my plastic over the window because it was still raining. Not being experienced in covering my car window with plastic, I left too much of a ruffle on the outside so it flapped really loud when we were moving. Jeanie talked to her mother and she thought we were having horrible car trouble. My sister-in-law called and I was chatting with her with the bluetooth on the car and she thought we had a flat tire. We were really laughing.
Back at the motel my 3 roommates surprised me with one of their purchases along the highway. It was a small t-shirt which they stuck on a pillow while I was out of the room. I tried it on, but it was kind of like •♫♪"Fat man in a little coat"•♫♪. I threatened their lives if they took a pic of that so there is no evidence of that escapade(BTW, I have no idea how this font changed!). We laughed a lot!

They had several mini workshops. this one was on pieced hexies. That's me on the far left and Nora is 2 down from me. The lady in between us won the door prize.
Jeanie and I went on stage to show our guild's donation quilt. Jeanie is on the far left holding the quilt while I am helping a lady from our workshop show off the blocks she won at our workshop.
We all won door prizes and got goody bags. I won the centerpiece at my table!
Nora had to leave early to catch a plane so Jeanie, Adele and I headed out in the afternoon in my redneck car. Jeanie and I got the window rolled up better and we actually got to travel without the plastic. We stopped for diesel and Jeanie asked me how I got the window rolled up all the way. I had not done a thing, but somehow the window had gone up on its own. A Quilt Congress Miracle!!!
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